Win a Hex Logo
design for your package!

Are you a creator of an R package without a logo, or perhaps your current logo needs
a serious makeover? Do you want to give your package a professional visual identity?

We're excited to announce our contest to provide free hex logo designs for select R packages!
As part of Appsilon’s commitment to supporting the R community, we're offering
this opportunity to enhance the branding of winning packages.

Register For Contest

How it works

01. Submit your R package:
Tell us about your package and why it deserves a hex logo.

02. Winning packages:
Selected packages will receive a free custom hex logo design created by our talented designer Hubert Halun! 

03. Personalized design experience:
Winners will also have 1-2 sessions with Hubert, our experienced designer, to provide feedback and request revisions to ensure the logo meets their vision.

04. Boost your package:
Stand out in the R community with a professionally designed logo that enhances your package's visibility and recognition.

Why participate:

01. Elevate your package's branding and appeal to users.

02. Receive a high-quality hex logo design tailored to your package's identity.

03. Showcase your package with pride and professionalism.

How to enter:

Simply fill out the submission form by June 7 and tell us why your package deserves a logo makeover!
Don't miss this opportunity to give your R package the visual identity it deserves!

Register For Contest

Contest Rules

Only creators of R packages without an existing hex logo, or with a logo that requires a serious makeover are eligible to apply.Each applicant can submit only one R package for consideration.

Submission Requirements:
Applicants must provide basic information about their R package, including its name, purpose, functionality and links.Submissions should include a brief description of the desired design concept or any specific preferences for the logo.

Package Verification:
Applicants must verify ownership or maintenance rights of the R package they are submitting for logo design.

Originality Declaration:
Applicants must declare that the package logo design they are submitting is original and does not infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks.

Consent for Logo Creation:
By submitting their R package for logo design consideration, applicants agree to allow the contest organizers to create a hex logo for their package if selected as a winner.

All submissions must be received by: June 7, 2024

Agreement to Terms and Conditions:
Applicants must agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the contest, including granting permission for the use and distribution of the created logo.

Applicants should provide accurate contact information for communication purposes regarding the contest and logo creation process.

Exclusion Criteria:
Applications will be disqualified if they contain inappropriate content, violate intellectual property rights, or fail to meet the specified submission requirements.

Judging Process:
Submissions will be reviewed by the judging panel based on the specified evaluation criteria to determine the winners.



Community Partners

Attendees Feedback

What attendees are saying about last year's ShinyConf event

As a first time attendee, I really really enjoyed it. Very practical and inspiring.

The best conference thus far !!!
It is amazing! I think some conferences can get a bit tiresome after a couple hours of just listening, but here Im glued to my chair until the end of each day.

So: very well done, thank you for organizing and looking forward to next year's event!
Many thanks, it was very inspiring, there was a great spirit in the community,

I am very motivated to learn more about shiny and happy to be part of this great group of humans!

Contact us

Have questions, ideas, or just want to say hello? We're all ears and ready to help. Reach out to us using the email below. We promise to get back to you as soon as we can. Let's connect and make things happen!