Call for Speakers

The Call for Speakers is now closed. Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of the conversation at ShinyConf 2024. We appreciate all who shared their insights and expertise by submitting their talk proposals. Stay tuned for the announcement of our selected speakers and prepare to be inspired by the upcoming sessions!

Shiny Innovation Hub

Shiny Innovation Hub track is centered around the latest developments, best practices, and creative applications within the R Shiny framework.

We are looking for proposals that showcase novel approaches to problem-solving using Shiny and foster discussions aimed at pushing the boundaries of what is traditionally expected from a web application framework.

If you have insights into the seamless integration of emerging technologies, unique solutions to challenges, or explorations of how Shiny is evolving to meet the demands of an ever-changing technological landscape, we would love to hear from you.

We welcome talk proposals covering a wide range of topics, including but not limited to advanced Shiny programming techniques, case studies highlighting successful Shiny applications, and explorations of how Shiny contributes to advancements in data communication and decision-making.

Passionate about the creative uses of the R Shiny framework and its impact on shaping the future of data-driven applications and insights?

Share your expertise, experiences, and insights with our conference participants!

Shiny in Enterprise

In this conference track we aim to explore the power of R Shiny in shaping business outcomes. We're seeking submissions that highlight real-life examples and case studies, showcasing successful R Shiny implementations across diverse enterprise landscapes.

We're particularly interested in examples where R Shiny goes beyond analytics, playing a crucial role in enhancing efficiency, fostering informed decision-making, and elevating data analysis processes.

We especially invite you to submit your talk if you can share your experiences in the following areas:

  • Case Study of a successful implementation of an R Shiny app that positively influenced your organization

  • Benefits and Challenges of working with R Shiny in an enterprise setup

  • Best practices for working with Shiny in an enterprise environment

  • Experiences and strategies for integrating R Shiny with existing business systems

  • Scalability and Performance

  • Experiences and lessons learned in R Shiny product development

Shiny in Life Sciences

Our R Shiny in Life Sciences track aims to bring together experts, practitioners, and enthusiasts from the intersection of data science, life sciences, and interactive visualization. This track will explore the diverse applications of R Shiny in addressing challenges, driving insights, and enhancing collaboration within the Life Sciences domain.

If you have experience, insights, or success stories related to R Shiny in Life Sciences, we invite you to submit a talk proposal. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work, share best practices, and contribute to the vibrant community of professionals leveraging R Shiny for impactful solutions in Life Sciences.

Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Interactive Data Visualization in Life Sciences

  • Real-world Applications of R Shiny in Drug Discovery

  • Case Studies of Successful R Shiny Implementations in Clinical Research

  • Best Practices for Developing Scalable and Robust Shiny Apps

  • Integrating R Shiny with Other Tools and Technologies in Life Sciences

Shiny For Good

Shiny For Good track is dedicated to showcasing the incredible ways in which R Shiny is making a positive impact on communities and society at large. We aim to bring together speakers who have inspiring stories, community-building experiences, and projects that leverage R Shiny for social good.

If you have a story to tell about how R Shiny has been a force for good in your community, organization, or project, we invite you to submit a talk proposal. Whether it's a case study, a community initiative, or a project that has had a positive impact, we want to hear from you.

Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Building and Nurturing R Shiny Communities

  • Inspiring Projects Using R Shiny for Social Impact

  • Collaborative Initiatives That Drive Positive Change

  • Lessons Learned from R Shiny Projects with a Social Focus

  • Strategies for Engaging Diverse Communities in R Shiny Initiatives

Programme Committee:

Jakub Nowicki
Lab Lead at Appsilon

Shiny Innovation Hub Track

Maria Grycuk
Senior Delivery Manager
at Appsilon

Shiny in Enterprise Track

Eric Nantz

Shiny in Life Sciences Track

Jon Harmon
Data Science Leader | Expert R Programmer | R Package Developer

Shiny for Good Track